Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The link between mattress stuffing and weight loss

A very amusing article about oat bran and the dukan diet.

During the first stage, the “Attack Stage,” you can eat unlimited amounts of pure proteins that have little or no fat. Plus a lot of water, etc. Period. Plus Dr Dukan’s secret weight loss weapon: oat bran. You start by eating 1 ½ tablespoons of oat bran a day and after the Attack Phase, you eat 2 tablespoons each day. I’ve never had oat bran and I didn’t know what people do with it.

The link between mattress stuffing and weight loss

Friday, September 3, 2010

Can a High-Fat, Low Carb Diet Beat Cancer?

Dukan Diet might not be high fat but it does share the low carb aspect of the diets mentioned in this very interesting article about starving cancer cells of sugar.

Can a High-Fat Diet Beat Cancer?